Artemis Games - The Adventurers Guild
Well the Guild is a magical, helpful place. Made way back in the days of old, by a very powerful wizard. This wizard believed in giving and helping to all of the common folk; that’s right all of you lords and ladies out there.
The wizard knew about the quests and adventures you are about set out on this fine day. As a member of the guild, from time to time, the wizard will give you special in store discounts and free prizes; like snacks and adventuring supplies etc.
Also the wizard may have a free gift for you on your birthday, if you find yourself in the store on that day. But you will need to let us know it’s your birthday so we can give you your gift. We’re good at magic, but not so good at mind reading.
Now for the magical part… The wizard cast an enchantment spell on this store long ago. A powerful spell that makes special magical coins appear from the store’s “Bag of holding” for all who shop in the store. The coins in this “Bag of holding” are called store Loyalty Points. So when you spend some of your cash in the store, a few of the magical store Loyalty Points are set aside for you. Then later you can use your store Loyalty Points to buy snacks or supplies from the store whenever you want to use them. Your Loyalty Points do not expire, but you do need to sign up for the FREE Adventurers Guild, to use your Loyalty Point.
Sign up below for your FREE Adventurers Guild Loyalty account to start getting your discounts, prizes, and FREE Magical store Loyalty Points today!
Please let your store clerk know that your are signed up for Artemis Games - The Adventurers Guild Loyalty program, so we can post your loyalty points to your account.
Looking for a good gift idea for that up coming
Birthday, or Special Event?
Games… Games… Games, yes everyone likes games!
Not sure what game to get them?
Artemis Games, Has the answer! Artemis Games has Gift Cards!
Our gift cards can be set for $10.00 to $500.00 each.
If you buy 2 or more cards at the same time. Artemis Games will add an
extra 10% to your gift cards as our FREE gift to you!
(IE. If you buy 2 or more, $10.00 Gift Cards at the same time.
Each Gift Card would be worth $11.00 dollars each!)